Toni Morrison wrote this children's book entitled the Big Box. I found it when I was in college and bought it under the assumption that some day I would have kids and I would want to have a cool library of books that were multi-cultural and ethnic studies-ish. I found it in my parents garage a few weekends ago and re-read it. Soluna is definitely not ready for it. But it's pretty deep and a great parent read. It's about three kids who adults feel "can't handle their freedom" so they put them in a box and give them things to appease them. I would love to talk to other parents who have read it.
"'But I comb my hair and I don't do drugs
And every day I vacuum the rugs.
I feed the hamster and water the plants
And once a week I hang up my pants
If owls can scream
And rabbits hop
And beavers chew trees when they need' em
Why can't I be a kid like me
Who doesn't have to handle his freedom?
I know you are smart and I know that you think
You're doing what is best for me.
But if freedom is handled just your way
Then it's not my freedom or free.'"