Friday, October 10, 2008

Lotus Bloom, free fun in Oak-town

Soluna and I had never been to Bushrod Park on 59th Street in Oakland. We had heard about Lotus Bloom from a Colorful Mamas friend and, since she said it was neat AND free, we decided to check it out.

Lotus Bloom is a non-profit organization that works out of four different community centers in Oakland and provides FREE play time Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday for babies (under 5) and their parents/caregivers. So we showed up. They signed us up. Soluna & I had a snack, crawled around, played with water toys, laughed at little kids, listened to story time, sang a few songs.

There were little kids with mohawks, unmatching kids (THE BEST!), grandmas and grandpas using their imagination, breastfeeding toddlers, mamas of color, babies giggling for no particular reason... It was cool, although Soluna was the youngest. We're looking forward to going back and checking out other little ones. Nice to know that there is another FREE resource for mamas trying to cut their expesnses during hard times.

1 comment:

choobers22 said...

sweet... they work a lot with Oakland Ready to Learn and are working with MOCHA too =)