Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"she's going to be little for a long time."

I had originally decided that I was going to go back to work after two months of maternity leave. This, in retrospect, was a crazy idea. But who I am after Soluna was welcomed into the world is much different than pregnant Aya. I totally thought I was another "working mom" who could juggle everything and have everything: the perfect family, the successful career and a happy dual-income lifestyle. Priorities change and attachment is real. I don't want to miss a thing with my little baby.

Sometime in February or March before I extended my maternity leave, I decided to take a training on boards and commissions. It was supposed to help me transition back to work. I ran into some folks that work for the Mayor's office. A woman that I had worked closely with and I got to talking. She's another woman of color, someone who I thought had somewhat progressive views and grassroots organizing experience. I told her about how I don't feel right leaving my baby just yet and that I was trying to extend my maternity leave. Soluna was still so little. She laughed aloud, "She's going to be little for a long time."

That was my first realization that woman of color was different than mama of color.

As time passed, I extended 2 months to 2.5 months, to 6 months. A few weeks ago I turned in my letter of resignation so that I could work part-time at a job that lets your work part-time from home. Life changes.

I mean, could you really leave this kid at day care?
As the youth commissioners finished my sentence... "I really loved working with y'all and I want to stay ... but..." ... "She's cuter." ... And she's not going to be little for a long time.


choobers22 said...

Aya, you use such beautiful words to express your insight and experience. Thank you for sharing them (and for letting me borrow Soluna every now and then)...

no, she's not going to be little for a long time, so congratulations on your new stay at home position! i'll definitely miss you here at the office... ciao bella!

Mama Aya said...

ahhh, i'm going to miss you too! and i hope you find what you are looking for.