Tuesday, June 24, 2008

this kid can eat...

I was hoping to slowly transition Soluna into eating solid foods, despite grandparental pressure on both sides to give her anything she looked slighty interested in as early as 2 months. (Including Ritz Crackers, which my mama intuition thinks is way to salty for a baby.) Soluna is letting us know she wants solids. She's practically yelling "I'm ready to eat!!" She's mooching off my plate, whiny at any mealtime until we give her a taste, opening her mouth wide when we offer her a spoonful of her starter foods (rice cereal, banana, avocado and sweet potatoes), and grabs the spoon to feed herself.

I love it! Where did she get this love of food?! jajajaja..

I've been reading Super Baby Food, the book that is recommended in most every mama circle I am in. It's definitely thorough, but borderline TMI on food safety. I want to make all Soluna's baby food. But we'll have to wait and see how it goes. My mom wants to make her arroz caldo. Yum! But for some reason, these books don't cover safe baby versions of "ethnic" foods. Hah! I guess we're going to have to trust the experience of grandparents.

Here is a video of Soluna eating her first solids a few weeks ago.

1 comment:

Amianan Studies said...

ahhh!! its soo much fun and soo messy at the same time..ahahha she's getting so big!