Sunday, September 14, 2008

Germs, Germs, Germs

My mama hormones have calmed down a bit (the hormones that put me in ultra-protective mode 24/7). It happened really gradually and I've learned that I am very far from being a germ-a-phobe. Initially, I felt like Benji and I were washing our hands like 20 times a day. Seriously, we both had rough, dry hands for a few weeks. Now, we truly believe in the 5 second rule... or maybe the 10-30 second rule?? And, I let her put a lot of "interesting" things in her mouth...

So anyways, I finally decided to take Soluna to Tumble and Tea. I had heard that T&T makes your babies sick! A mama friend had said her son had gotten a cold every time they went there. So I had avoided the place even though it is walking distance from my home and, since we don't have nice parks in the area, probably the best bet for baby entertainment.

We had a great time. She played with a few babies her age and was inspired by their advanced mobility. Yeah, she put some toys in her mouth that have probably been in other kids mouths, but that's what babies do! Yes, little babies came up to her with drool hanging out of her mouth. The toys were not pristine. Most of them were pretty battered, but I really don't care and, of course, Soluna didn't notice. Some of the older kids were a little rough, but she didn't get hurt and I wasn't worried. She's sturdy!

I figure our bodies were made to fight germs. Germs can actually be good for you and will help build up your immunity. We've been back to Tumble and Tea 3 times and Soluna has not gotten sick. And, even if she was to get sick, she would be fine and a little bit stronger after the cold subsided.

F'real? Shopping cart covers??

Some excerpts of ads selling these kinda things:
This colorful shopping cart cover for babies and toddlers fits most shopping carts and covers the entire seating area (sides, back, handlebars and front) to offer maximum protection against disease-causing bacteria.

Why? Its padded construction protects against icky, sticky germs on shopping carts, while providing a plush place for your little one to sit!

This shopping cart phenomenon and overprotective parenting is deconstructed in a book I read A Nation of Wimps. I don't completely buy everything in that book, but some of it is pretty dead on.

1 comment:

choobers22 said...

God made dirt and dirt don't hurt! maybe that's y Soluna hasn't gotten sick... cuz she's already been baptized. ;) hehe...