Wednesday, July 23, 2008

and then they were born...

So I am blogging on the corner of the bed as little Soluna and big Ben are fast asleep. I was woken up by some sly mosquito, but now I can't get back to sleep and I keep thinking about the three new babies of friends and family that have just been born or are in the process of coming into the world today.

My heart is worried for little Amado who I know is having a tough time at this moment and I send all my mama "open" vibes and prayers to help him make his way into the world.

Yesterday, we went to visit little Enrique, Soluna's new cousin, who was born last night by c-section at California Pacific Hospital in San Francisco. (This hospital was once Children's Hospital and is where I was born almost 29 years ago during a scheduled c-section.) His 9 lb+ chubby booty and cheeks were giving his mama a bit of trouble.

And I just read an email from our Salinas friends that their little Pachacutec who decided Monday that it was time, 8 weeks early. His name means "He who changes the world." Beautiful.

Many blessings and prayers for the little baby boys who say "hello" to the world for the first time. I know they are already making their waves.

It feels like I'll be around mamas and babies for a long time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

in 10 years there will be many teenagers named, "Malaya, Amado, Mateo"

im glad soluna is soluna!

pachacutec, aww..

i just watched a video about "pacha mama"