Wednesday, July 16, 2008

off-topic: I've lost that baseball fever

Alright after reading my husband's latest post The Wonderful Power of Baseball, I feel like I have to respond or at least share... how I, the-biggest-baseball-nerd-of-the-world's wife, have lost that baseball fever. (Okay, I'm a little off-topic on my usual mama-ology rants, but bare with me. This just needed to be written.)

OKAY, I USE TO LOVE BASEBALL. And, despite all my husband's efforts to devalue my childhood love of the game by saying I jumped on the A's bandwagon when they were hot, as a kid I would come home every day and turn on the A's game. My Tatang looked like Rickey Henderson. My sister had a flourescent green Jose Canseco t-shirt. We would copy the bash brothers and bump forearms after every home run. I knew all the players. I memorized statistics and collected baseball cards. I even have an autographed Dave Stewart card. I LOVED baseball, especially the Oakland A's.

But man, every season I lose my husband to the game. My love for baseball emerged at a time when I had NOTHING BETTER TO DO, BUT WATCH BASEBALL. As a kid, I had to choose between playing, reading books or watching baseball. And as a kid, baseball is beautiful and is wonderul as my husband mentioned. I got caught up with the side-stories, the nicknames, the thrill of winning.

Now, baseball games are long and often uneventful. There is no clock, as the hubby reminds. So it could go on and on and on... like last night for the All Star game where once again the American League won... but after 15 innings. Baseball teams play way more games per year then any other sport so hours and hours and hours can be spent following each game. So no, when life becomes more complicated, I could choose to do other things. But, because of my husband's love of the game it seems like about 60-70% of my time spent with him there is a game on TV or on the radio that takes up 99% of his attention. Now, I don't need his attention all the time, but when I am mid-sentence explaining my day and he shouts "What the F$@*!"... I have to wait until he cools down after the latest misplay of the Giants, which happens very often, and continue my story.

Amidst the A-Rod & Madonna stories, past the steroids scandals, knowing that these men are making more per year than I will probably make in a lifetime... I have lost my interest in the game. The game is no longer about heroes or triumph stories... for that you could read the paper, or a book, or watch a meaningful movie. Alright... I'm a hater... but someone change my opinion...

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